Getting to Black Belt in Vim – Part 4 – Blue Belt

Great work for coming this far! We covered a lot at green belt level.At blue belt level, we’ll cover visual mode, a couple of advanced motions, searching and some more editing commands. Blue Belt Visual Mode We’ll see how to use visual mode with counts and motions later on. Vertical Motions Searching Horizontal Motions Operator… Continue reading Getting to Black Belt in Vim – Part 4 – Blue Belt

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Getting to Black Belt in Vim – Part 3 – Green Belt

In previous posts, we covered basic editing and motions. At green belt level, we’ll learn about getting into insert mode faster i.e. moving to a location and entering insert mode in one command. Then, we’ll cover a few more motions. Finally, we’ll look at jumps and navigating through your jump history. Green Belt Insert Mode… Continue reading Getting to Black Belt in Vim – Part 3 – Green Belt

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Getting to Black Belt in Vim – Part 2 – Yellow Belt

Now that you’ve mastered the basics at white belt level, let’s get a bit faster. At yellow belt level, we’ll introduce motions and more editing commands. Let’s get started. Yellow Belt A motion is a movement of the cursor, either horizontally or vertically. Horizontal motions: Vertical motions: Edit operators: Repeating You can add a number… Continue reading Getting to Black Belt in Vim – Part 2 – Yellow Belt

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