Here’s a quick guide on how I use Vim on a day to day basis as a developer. First, we’ll go through some settings, then we’ll cover apps I use the most often. These days, I write code mostly on a Mac, so feel free to substitute the shortcuts below as required. If you’re new to Vim, checkout my Vim tutorial.
Keyboard Settings
- Set your key repeat rate to “high”.
Useful when you want a command to repeat quickly, especially when using ‘h’, ‘j, ‘k’, ‘l’ to move about.
Remap the Keyboard
- Map the Caps lock key to <Ctrl>.
I’ve found this mapping really useful, as it keeps your hands on from the home row for <Ctrl> commands. Plus, when was the last time you used Caps Lock key? - Map the Right Command key to <Enter>.
When your hands are on the home row, this makes it easy for your thumb to reach <Enter>. On any other OS, map <Enter> to whatever key is on the right side of <Space>. - Map h j k l to arrow keys, using a modifier key.
When you’re used to Vim, nothings more annoying that trying to use h, j, k, l to move about in a non-Vim environment. On a Mac, you can use Karabiner Elements to add complex modifications.

Vim in IntelliJ
In IntelliJ, go to the plugins marketplace (Settings -> Plugins -> Marketplace) and search for IdeaVim.
Vim in VSCode
In VSCode, go to the plugins section and download VSCodeVim.
Vim in the Browser
In Chrome, there’s a choice of extensions that help you navigate pages using Vim key bindings. I’m currently using Vimium.
In Safari, you can download Vimari from the App Store.
Uncommon Shortcuts
Here are some shortcuts that are maybe not as well known, but really useful. They all work really well when <Ctrl> is assigned to Caps Lock, as mentioned above. This means you don’t have to leave your home row when running them:
- Backspace using <Ctrl> + h.
This works in MacOS in non Vim environments too. - Getting back to normal mode using <Ctrl> + [.
IntelliJ Specific Shortcuts
I tend to use these quite a bit in IntelliJ:
- Splitting Windows.
<Ctrl> + w, then v to split vertically, s to split horizontally.
Then, <Ctrl> + w, followed by either h, j, k, or l to move between windows. More here. - Go to Project Window.
Type Command + 1 to go to the project window. Then, you can move up and down the file list using the complex modification above, where you use h, j, k l with a modifier key. - Running tests using <Ctrl> + Shift + r.
Non Vim keybinding, but really useful. - Show recent file list using Command + e.
Go up and down the file list with the complex modification above with j and k.